Sunday, February 8, 2009

Murky Date

Michelle and I had a Murky date to drink coffee and do our necessary assigments for class; hers to read and write an outline, mine to read and write a paper. We arrived at our destination with laptops in bags looking for a place to sit. Luckily for us, three men decided to leave as we walked into the crowded coffee shop. We both took our places at the end of the table and procedded to plug our computers into the surge protector.

Immediately upon sitting down, the girl next to me accused Michelle of accidentally unplugging her power cord from the surge protector... which upon further inspection, she did not. About 5 minutes into writing my paper, my computer warns me that I have about 30% battery power left and that I should probably plug my power cord in. Well... it was already plugged in. And the girl next to me told me that she was running on her battery power instead of her computer cord.

Again, Michelle and I looked at the surge protector... hitting the reset button, unplugging and plugging back in all of the cords... eventually two other men join in on the confusion of the surge protector. We looked like that scene in Zoolander when the two male models are looking at the computer and hitting it hoping to get out the "information." It was hilarous. We eventually gave up and continued with our reading and such.... still oblivious as to why it wasn't working and only after deciding that the surge protector was broken.

After about 2 hours, when my computer shut down on my due to a lack of battery power, Michelle got up and plugged the surge protector into the wall.

Thanks for being so smart, Michelle. You saved the day for many at Murky.

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