Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cuteness overload

Holy freaking adorable....

Monday, February 23, 2009

big gulps eh? well, see ya later

After seeing his dance video below... I was left with only three words:

Marry me, Phil!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dance Party Phil...

I love ass!

I've never been much of an "ass" person until just recently. And I have to say, I'm highly enjoying it.

There's a particular bartender at Rumors who has one of the best behinds I've ever seen. And he knows I enjoy it... well, because I told him I did (that's what happens when I drink a lot... I say stuff that the sober me would not say). So after I told him how delicious his butt was, he started wearing tighter and tighter pants. I thank him everytime... too bad he's got a girlfriend... and prison tats (or would it be a gang tat? the tear drop under his eye - that means he killed someone, right?)... I'd be all over him.

Then there's a guy in my class at Mason. His ass looks good when he wears jeans... but just yesterday he showed up in a delectable pair of sweats... and they hugged his butt just right. You know what I'm talking about... just the perfect amount of tightness to show his curves and see where his crack is. And he's really smart, too. Which makes it that much better. Too bad he's only a freshman from the boonies... I'd be all over him.

And that got me thinking back to highschool... the first time I actually noticed a nice ass. His name was Ken Munoz. And he had two delicious apple for butts - he had, back then, what Nelly calls today an "apple bottom." It was so tight you could have bounced a quarter off of it. Many of us tried.... many of us failed. Too bad he used to be my gym teacher... I'd be all over him.

So, now that I finally realize what the big deal is about the ass, I'll be at the gym everynight working on some squats... and leg lifts... and lunges.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

High Fives Make You Famous....

My dear friend Scary, who I adore and miss, posted this photo of us here. Great memories, almost as good as the time Buskey, who I carried home one Halloween, stopped to show me a manhole and explain, "it's where the ninja turtles live":

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

to bang or not to bang?

...that is the question.

I have an appointment this Saturday (on Single's Awareness Day) with my friend Anne's cousin, Megan M., to get my "hur did." Apparently she's pretty funky... which is what I'm going for.
But i'm torn... should I get bangs, or not?

Without bangs:

With bangs:

Comments?... Suggestions?.... Does anyone even care?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Murky Date

Michelle and I had a Murky date to drink coffee and do our necessary assigments for class; hers to read and write an outline, mine to read and write a paper. We arrived at our destination with laptops in bags looking for a place to sit. Luckily for us, three men decided to leave as we walked into the crowded coffee shop. We both took our places at the end of the table and procedded to plug our computers into the surge protector.

Immediately upon sitting down, the girl next to me accused Michelle of accidentally unplugging her power cord from the surge protector... which upon further inspection, she did not. About 5 minutes into writing my paper, my computer warns me that I have about 30% battery power left and that I should probably plug my power cord in. Well... it was already plugged in. And the girl next to me told me that she was running on her battery power instead of her computer cord.

Again, Michelle and I looked at the surge protector... hitting the reset button, unplugging and plugging back in all of the cords... eventually two other men join in on the confusion of the surge protector. We looked like that scene in Zoolander when the two male models are looking at the computer and hitting it hoping to get out the "information." It was hilarous. We eventually gave up and continued with our reading and such.... still oblivious as to why it wasn't working and only after deciding that the surge protector was broken.

After about 2 hours, when my computer shut down on my due to a lack of battery power, Michelle got up and plugged the surge protector into the wall.

Thanks for being so smart, Michelle. You saved the day for many at Murky.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Bloody Worst Nightmare

As you are all aware, no scary movie has ever really scared me. With the exception of a few screams from things jumping onto the screen from out of nowhere (which is, in my opinion, used as scare tactic in really bad movies), I've never actually come out of a movie thinking "holy shit." I thought my luck was about to change last night. Enter: My Bloody Valentine 3-D.

Michelle, Kitty, Kristi and I went to see this flick last night... and while the plot itself turned out to be pretty good, and the ending was unexpected, I was slightly disappointed. I was not scared one bit - but I guess I should have known that would happened. In fact, unfortunatley for my peers sitting next to me, I laughed through the entire thing.

Besides the hotness on screen that was Jensen Ackles, I was sort of annoyed with the film: the 3-D glasses gave me a headache; the ax, bloody jaw, bullets, etc. coming towards us was not quite up to par (I'm hoping Disney's Monsters vs. Aliens will renew my faith in 3-D); the old men in the movie were too old for my taste. But those were nothing compared to what I'm about to tell you. The worst part of the movie was not the bad acting or the obvious fake hearts... no. The worst part of the movie, and you can ask Michelle on this one, was the couple behind us. Not only did they come in late (already a pet-peeve of mine) making all kinds of noise trying to pick out their seats, which happened to be right behind us, but the lady also decided to TRANSLATE THE ENTIRE FILM TO HER BOYFRIEND IN SPANISH!! Serious? Are you kidding me? Kat and Kristi were completely unaware of this as they were both cowering in their seats with hands over their ears and eyes... wussies.

I will say that there was one good thing to come from this movie. The 3-D glasses. Worth the entire 11 dollars (student discount only - don't hate)... you'll probably have to pay 14 for them.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I'm a sucker for infomericals (someone please buy me the magic bullet so I can make dips and pina coladas in three seconds). And I'm pretty sure I juiced in my pants when I saw the "Snuggie." Finally, a product that answered my cold body prayers. No longer would I have to get out from the comfort of my blanket to change the channel, read my book, talk on the phone....and I am just waiting for an outdoor, spectator-sporting even invitation. I placed my order (a 2-for-1 deal, but that has added shipping and handling, however I do get two reading lights) and one month later, I'm still eagerly awaiting its arrival...clearly it's in high demand! In the meantime, I found this amazing site: http://www.snuggiesightings.com to keep my excitement level high. I can't wait to live like these people: