Tuesday, March 31, 2009

thanks for stating the obvious

So I'm sitting in class, minding my own business, when I hear the girl sitting behind whisper to her friend, "she's so tall, I can't see the board."
Well, genius, you have two options:
1) Move to another seat, as I sat my ass down first; or
2) Grow a couple inches.

She didn't do either. Bitch.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Thing I learned this weekend...

-My sister got punched in the face by a dude;
-It's not polite (nor do the parents like) when you call their newborn boy "nutsack";
-The large margarita from Guapo's will put you on your ass;
-70% of jelly bellys are disgusting;
-I'm not the only one who still likes the "Dr. Pepper" lip gloss by Bonnie Bell;
-I love my car;
-I've gone back to my hatred for Taco Bell;
-I could never live in Richmond.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Lesson in Etiquette...

Last week I attended a dinner at GMU to learn proper table etiquette, here are some tips for you to practice at home:

1. It is still considered polite behavior for a gentleman to seat his female guest or companion.
2. Avoid ordering foods that can be messy or awkward (such as pasta with sauce).
3. Do not order alcoholic beverages.
4. Drink with your left hand so you can shake with your right hand and it is not wet or clamy.
5. Pass the salt and pepper shakers together, even in someone only asks for one. They are married.
6. Do not ask to taste someone else's food or offer a taste of yours to someone else.
7. Bread can be used to sop up food juices on your plate, but use a fork to hold it.
8. Bring up a topic when there is a lull in the conversation - others will be grateful.
9. When you are finished eating, place your knife and fork parallel together on the plate in the 10 o'clock - 4 o'clock position. This will signal the waitperson you have finished.
10. Do not ask for a doggie bag.

Reflecting on what I learned, I am sad to say that the only man to pull out my chair recently is the cute employee at my local Taco Bell. And I would like to report that I passed the dinner with flying colors, however apparently throwing back beers at dinner and yelling out "that's what she said" after our hostess claimed "if it's small enough put the entire thing in your mouth" are frowned upon. I laughed.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

this is what the world is coming to

So I'm sitting in the JC Cinema at GMU, waiting to watch a movie for class. The Chinese movie "To Live" depicts the struggles of one family as they endure tumultuous events in China as their personal fortunes move from wealthy landownership to peasantry. In one of the periods of the movie the lead character is forced into the Nationalist Army. In this scence three men are huddled together in a bunker, trying not to freeze to death. One of the men disappears and comes back with blankets and jackets stolen from the deceased. As they are covering themselves and trying to stay warm, that same man brings out a flask of alcohol that he swiped from a deceased General. As I'm watching these men on screen passing the flask around, indulging in one of their greatest pleasures, yet still trying stay warm... I start to feeling sad. Sad because they were cold and alone and tired... but mostly sad because they didn't have a Snuggie. They really could have used one.

Monday, March 23, 2009

say it ain't so

My counterpart is sick... so sick, in fact, that she is contemplating not going to the PCD/Britney concert tomorrow night. It must be serious.

Please sent her way:
-Hot Dogs
-Orange Juice
-Cold/Flu Medicine

Thank you kindly!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Who's pretending to be rich?

I have a pool too, also known as my bathtub.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hands off me lucky charms.

Next to Latin men and Cinco de Mayo, some good white Irish boys and St. Patrick's Day top my list of favorites. This year was no different and as such it was only fitting to properly celebrate at Ireland's Four Field's with my better half Angela and company.

Upon arriving I immediately ordered myself a pitcher of beer to get these shenanigans under way. Included in our group was this one chap, a cute guy but a tad socially awkward. He's the kind of guy that would most likely makeout with his sister, like Angelina's older brother James. A few beers, half a car bomb (that I couldn't finish, but according to Angela I just need to relax the throat) and shot of nuts and berries later, this young lad wanders over my side of the table and makes some small drunk banter as he's slurring and spitting in my face. He tries to make a bet with me where I would win a date with him. And to make it more appealing he enforces the fact that he would "pay for dinner and shit." A) Of course your ass would be paying for dinner B) I need to know upfront what exactly "shit" entails and C) Despite my past history, a few drinks in me does not equal an automatic willingness to date you.

Angela and I decided it was time to go, and stumbled to Arlington to meet up with some friends to celebrate the birth of Richie. Walking from metro to the house, I witnessed the most amazing thing I've seen in a long time. Three guys, acting out and singing along to "Circle of Life." I admit I stopped on their lawn and stared at them for a good 10 minutes through the window.

But perhaps the most memorable part of the night was sitting in Hard Times with Angela singing "Forever" by Jesse and The Rippers.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Letting Go

You all may remember from the original blog that Old Man River and I called it quits amicably. The distance was pretty much the only reason we split. However, like many girls who are still smitten, I didn't offically end things. The idea that we could "still be friends" was a good one to me. And while we did continue talking and flirting and acting like we were still together, we really weren't. And then when we started talking about dating other people (well, more so on his part) I became ill. That's when I knew that I should end things permanently. And I tried... on several occasions... but I ultimately couldn't. The idea of him not being a part of my life somehow made my heart break all over again.

And for some reason, it continued on again. But I started resenting him. And that made it even more difficult. So, with the help of a few friends, I was able to delete everything about him... his emails, his pictures, his name from my FB friends list... but not before I sent him a letter.

I know what you are all thinking... Why? Well, because he deserved one. He was an amazing guy and he treated me like a Goddess... so yeah, I felt he deserved some explanation. So I emailed him a letter telling him why I was letting go of him, and that I still loved him, and that I hoped in the end our paths would cross again. (Don't worry, I wasn't as cliche as "if you love something let it go. if it comes back to you it's meant to be... etc.") It was sweet. And hopeful. And heartbreaking.
And his response was:
"...I wish I could relay my feelings as well as you, but the truth is nothing I think of writing would ever explain my feelings for you. I will end this with, I love you..."

And with that, I gave him one last cry.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

my morning recap... in bullet form... for easier reading..

... because it's all about making this easier for you.

-woke up before my alarm
-accidentally used bubble bath instead of body wash... same damn bottles
-spent an hour trying to figure out what to wear with this ridiculous weather change.. which made me late to work
-woo-hoo'd when I saw that the office manager had remembered to refill my favorite coffee flavor (btw - it's Donut Shoppe Coffee by: The Coffee People)
-created some Saint Patrick's Day videos
-literally ran into a really cute interviewee... too bad he's still an embryo
-watched the latest episode of "The Family Guy" at my desk... peed my pants a little it was so funny
-ate a boring Lean Cuisine for lunch in anticipation for date night with my dad... he'll probably let me get an extra taco at Taco Bell (gotta love the PX food court)
-chatted on Facebook

all in all, it was a pretty easy day for me.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tutti Frutti

Let me introduce you to my European cousin Gunther:

Gunther beleives in only four things in life: champagne; glamour; sex; and respect. And really who doesn't agree with that. He's also a huge pop star:

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's Just Lunch...

My super talent friend Chris needs your votes for the Charleston Film Festival. Go here and vote for "It's Just Lunch." If he looks familiar you've probably seen him in that intense rival basketball scene on "One Tree Hill", or you recognize his bulging muscles from his xyience commericals, or most likely you had John Boyer's World Geography class at VT.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Act your age, not your shoe size.

I have the distinct pleasure of taking 100 level courses at Mason before I start Graduate school there in the fall. One course I have to take is Geology 103. The professor is French - his last name is Pilon, pronounce Pee-lo. And he wears suspenders. God, I love a man who can pull off suspenders... but that's besides the point. There are certain words during his lectures that have given the class several "what the fuck did he just say?" moments: Haiti; isthmus; hispanola; and similarily, just to name a few. But it gets better. There's one word that he says that makes me laugh EVERYTIME... and he mentions it a lot because it's part of our textbook... the word: 3rd. As in the 3rd edition of the textbook... and, being the frenchman that he is, and having a french accent that he does, it comes out as... wait for it... turd.

and it makes me giggle. yes, i'm aware I need to grow up a little.

But this isn't the first time that a professor has made me chuckle during lectures. At JMU, I happened to be in the same Political Science class as the ever so charming Dominic Alexander. And we used to sit next to each other and entertain ourselves. The professor was the epitome of nerd - tall, lanky, and pasty white with glasses and sweater vests. God, I love a man that wears sweater vests... but that's besides the point. During the course of the year, he lectured on presidents, wars, and taxes... more specifically, duty taxes. Yup, that's right... he said duty. And Dominic and I would lose our shit (no pun intended) to the point of one of us having to leave the class... and it was usually him, because I was a good student.