Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fight Club

Shea's Birthday Party
The Park on Fourteenth
Approx. 12:45 am

Several of Shea's friends came up for the big birthday bash. Pregame consisted of Civil War, shots of Firefly and asshole - pretty much anything that included drinking heavily as the $9 dollar beers and $15 dollar mixed drinks at The Park were not an option to many. There happened to be a little asian boy (I don't remember his name... nor do I really care) who drank more than his little body could handle.

So here's the story...
Michelle, Kat and I were all sitting down at the table. All of the bottles of liquor had been consumed, but we sat there anyways nibbling on the cheese and cracker plate that came with table service. We were having a great time taking pictures and making fun of white girls dancing when out of nowhere came little asian boy. And, just like in the movies, the slow motion started... he starting to wobble... and then he stumbled right into the table, knocking the GIANT bucket of ice, water, empty liquor bottles, and the half drunk glasses all over the three of us. We all looked at each other... looked at little asian boy... look at our soaked outfits... and without saying anything, jumped up and started charging after him.

We started yelling at him: "F*** you" "You need to leave!" "F*ck this, F*ck that"
The little asian boy was too drunk to even realize that he had done. The entire party was trying to hold the three of us back as we were still charging after this boy and yelling. And that's when the bouncers stepped in. I pointed to the little asian boy and I told the bouncer that he needed to go or else he'll get his ass kicked by a bunch of girls. And Michelle was being held back by her BF. And Kat started cussing at the bouncer telling him that the little asian boy was way too drunk and that she was going to punch him in the face. So he got thrown out.

Shea was pissed off, the three of us look like we'd been pisssed on, and our night was pretty much ruined. Michelle's underwear was completely wet, my jeans were wet, and Kat's cream dress was completely see-thru. Trying to smooth things over, Michelle and I were explaininh to Shea what had happened when I turned around and saw Kat running away. Thinking she was kicked out, I grab Michelle and told her we were leaving. We ended up walking out only to find little asian boy still wobbling, trying to call his friends (none of whom answered) with no sign of Kat.

I called Kat on her cell where she proceded to tell me that after she finds Kristi she was going to go back in and punch Shea in the face and then find little asian boy and punch him in the face, stating "No one f**ks with my family!" I was sure I was going to get a phone call from the police that night.

Not wanting our entire night to be ruined, Michelle and I cabbed home and drunk texted while waiting for cheese fries at SD.

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