Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hands off me lucky charms.

Next to Latin men and Cinco de Mayo, some good white Irish boys and St. Patrick's Day top my list of favorites. This year was no different and as such it was only fitting to properly celebrate at Ireland's Four Field's with my better half Angela and company.

Upon arriving I immediately ordered myself a pitcher of beer to get these shenanigans under way. Included in our group was this one chap, a cute guy but a tad socially awkward. He's the kind of guy that would most likely makeout with his sister, like Angelina's older brother James. A few beers, half a car bomb (that I couldn't finish, but according to Angela I just need to relax the throat) and shot of nuts and berries later, this young lad wanders over my side of the table and makes some small drunk banter as he's slurring and spitting in my face. He tries to make a bet with me where I would win a date with him. And to make it more appealing he enforces the fact that he would "pay for dinner and shit." A) Of course your ass would be paying for dinner B) I need to know upfront what exactly "shit" entails and C) Despite my past history, a few drinks in me does not equal an automatic willingness to date you.

Angela and I decided it was time to go, and stumbled to Arlington to meet up with some friends to celebrate the birth of Richie. Walking from metro to the house, I witnessed the most amazing thing I've seen in a long time. Three guys, acting out and singing along to "Circle of Life." I admit I stopped on their lawn and stared at them for a good 10 minutes through the window.

But perhaps the most memorable part of the night was sitting in Hard Times with Angela singing "Forever" by Jesse and The Rippers.

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